Transform the way 
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Now Serving Citrus County, Florida and Surrounding Areas!

Hi, I'm John DeVore.

After decades of success in Ohio as a landscape designer, project manager and educator, my home base is now located in the beautiful Nature Coast of Florida.
Utilizing the same principles of good design and local horticulture, I'm excited to continue growing in new directions with DeVore's Land and Water.

Still available for virtual consultations, travel for training and speaking engagements, there are no limits to what we can accomplish together!

And, my passion will always be connecting with people in a way that can truly transform the way you live!

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"Reflections" Blog


utility box
By John DeVore April 26, 2019
Most of life and garden design is about asking the right questions. The question I get asked about those lovely electrical, phone, and cable boxes is: “What can I plant around those to hide them?” So they plant a circle of grasses, or shrubs, or something that engulfs them, get stomped down when technicians have to service them, and shout “I’M HIDING SOMETHING HERE.” The right question is “How can I make this area NOT UGLY?” Think Stonehenge. Think Woodland Garden. Your boxes are like stone forms. Add more stone forms to give them context. A rock garden can give glorious color and year-round interest for full sun areas. If you have trees and shrubs, add a couple large rocks and space out a few more shrubs with groundcovers. In most cases we screen unwanted views by distraction rather than completely hiding them. Put your utilities in a beautiful context and work with what you have. Your technicians will appreciate you and everyone will think you are smart! Life if good.
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